I'm ready to get busy making myself accountable for the time I'm given every day. Deciding my days off is necessary, because I work for myself and own the business I work at. Working every day can cause burnout. First piece of advice is to make a schedule and stick to it. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty about taking your time off.

Managing your time doesn't mean to schedule every moment down to the last second, but to have guidelines to live by. For instance, get up at the same time every day, even your days off or when you're on vacation. You will feel you have plenty of time to get things done if you just get up at the same time. Get a basic routine in place, this is mine:

6am: Get up
         Take dog out
         Take vitamin
          Make coffee
          Feed dog and cat

I'm usually done by 6:30 am and then I go onto my next list of things around 7 am. I don't try to squeeze in too many things, I give myself some wiggle room in case something comes up that I can't avoid. In the same token, don't waste the extra time either. If you get done early keep the momentum going for your day and keep focused.  

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