Sunday, August 23, 2015

No Regrets

Do not regret the path you've taken, or how long you've been trucking along it. you have become who you are because of it. The decisions and choices you've made, even the hard choices, have given you the the tools you need today.

Maybe you can't always see the lesson you need to learn right away, it may not have even been a lesson for you to learn, it very well could have been a lesson for someone else. Sometimes you teach others with your choices.

And when a windfall comes your way don't turn away from it because you are so used to hardships and making mistakes. Be grateful and accepting even if it's uncomfortable. You are not meant to suffer and make mistakes forever, everybody hits the target sooner or later.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ask Life Your Own Questions. Seek The Answers Yourself.

  1. Does the world seem to be going to hell in a hand basket? 
  2. How can someone believe that hurting or hating someone, for any reason, is a good thing?
  3. Why do we fear what we do not understand?
  4. Why is the negative news the only thing getting all the attention?
  5. Where is the positive news?
  6. Why listen to bad news instead of being thankful for all the good in your life?
These are but a few of my own personal unanswered questions. There are so many different answers to so many different questions.

With every personal question comes a different answer for different people. Don't be afraid of your own answers, and don't let others tell you your answer is wrong. If that is what you believe, then believe. Nothing is stronger than your own personal belief.

Chose to believe in yourself and your answers to your questions. There are no wrong answers in life just learning experiences.

Jump that hurtle of self doubt and live the way you desire to live. Enjoy the good you create for yourself.

Your world is joyous, revel in it.